Happy Dance

I got a job I got a job I-I-I got a job I got a job I got a job

As you can probably tell, I got a job! I am now working as an AIN at one of the largest hospitals in my region 🙂


While this does mean that it’s about 16hrs a week less that I’ll have to spend on things like blogging, I’m going to do my darnedest to get at least 2 posts per week up (despite the fact that I haven’t exactly been managing that anyway).

I’m casual, so I can be called in to work any shifts that I say I am available for, including nights. Hubby is worried about me catching the train late at night, which we will have to sort out because parking costs A FORTUNE ($20 for 8hrs) so I really don’t want to drive.
The issue is the fact that I will be getting the train somewhere between 10pm and midnight sometimes – afternoon shift finishes at about 11:30, and nights start at 11. I think he’s concerned that its “not safe”. I can totally understand that you get some real weirdos around at that time of night, but I’m trying to get him to see that there are security cameras everywhere on the stations, as well as other staff who would be finishing at the same time as me, and there are security guards on the trains at that time of night. Also, I make a point of sitting right next to where the conductor is.

Hopefully I can convince him that catching the train is OK, because the only other way to get around paying for parking is for Hubby to drop me off/pick me up on those late starts/finishes and it just seems silly for him to drive from our place out to work and back again. We’ll have to see what happens.


2015 Wrap-up

Here’s the mandatory post about “how things went in 2015”. This is somewhat based off of my “Goal List” from the start of this year (find it in this post). Over the next few days, I’ll be working out my Goal List for 2016, and I should post that sometime during January.

I was remarkably successful in this category! I graduated from my Bachelor of Psychology (we won’t speak of my final marks for that, but I GRADUATED!) and now have a piece of paper and another line for my resume.
I’m one year through my Bachelor of Nursing, and my marks are SO much better! As of the end of this year, my GPA is 6.0 and this makes me eligible for the “High Achievers” events (e.g. a morning tea a few weeks ago, that may result in a nursing job!).
I managed to maintain my designated “study hours” fairly well, but there is definitely room for improvement (particularly in regards to getting assignments started earlier). I started all my assignments this year approx 1-2 weeks before they were due, but I’m going to aim for having them COMPLETED 1 week before their due next year. I only had to pull 1 all-nighter for an assignment, and OMG I felt like crap. I am too old to do that anymore.

I did much better at (mostly) eating at “normal” meal times, and I consistently made packed lunches for uni. Hubby took over his own lunch making around June, and he’s also been good at that.
I’ve done much better at not worrying/stressing about things that aren’t under my control, and I’ve felt far more level emotionally (particularly in the last 6mths). I’ve also been asking for help when I needed it, not once it was too late and I’d already burnt out.
We’ve been eating far more food that I make from scratch, and this has reduced our food costs. We’re still spending an absolute FORTUNE every week on soft drink and energy drinks, but I can confidently say that I’m not the one drinking those. Hubby just isn’t ready to give them up, and I’m not going to push the point because we can (sort of) afford it.
I swapped out driving for walking and bike riding (or public transport) for about 90% of my transport needs, and this helped increase my fitness levels and reduce our fuel costs. It’s much easier at our new place than it was at our old house though – EVERYTHING is within walking distance, while at our old place nothing was (closest supermarket to our old place was 4km away. New place – there’s 3 within 800m). I only joined a gym in the final few months of 2015, but I’ve been going fairly regularly (barring a few disaster weeks).
I BECAME A MORNING PERSON!!!!! Well, sort of. I became a person who regularly gets up at 7am on days when I have nothing booked before lunchtime (or at all) and I feel pretty good about that. It took until the second half of the year to really get there, and the 6:30am starts for my nursing prac really helped cement the morning thing. I’m still not exactly cognitive before caffeine, and my brain doesn’t really wake up until at least 2hrs after I get up, but I’m no longer nocturnal so that’s a good thing.

I successfully remained off of Facebook during semester time this year, and I will be repeating that next year. I also feel like I wasted less time on Tumblr and Twitter. I may have swapped this out a bit with this blog and YouTube though. I still feel I wasted less time online than previously though.
I culled my wardrobe, and now pretty much everything in there fits me and is in the styles I want to wear.
I *tried* to plan out my days… with mixed success. Some days, it went really well. Others were an absolute disaster. I let it slide a bit in the second half of the year, but I’m going to continue working on that next year as well.
Did better this year with keeping on top of the housework – I could definitely do better, but the only times I really didn’t keep the house reasonably tidy were exam weeks… and I figure that’s forgivable.

I still don’t have my reading corner, but we’re looking at possibly replacing our couch this year, so I’ll hopefully be getting a big squishy one-person chair when we do that, so I can set up said reading corner.
I have successfully been trying at least 1 new recipe a month, sometimes almost 1 per week. Only 2 of them got rejected by Hubby, so that’s a good start!
I averaged 1 recreational book per month, but they were mostly crammed into my uni breaks… I would judge that a success 🙂
I’ve been spending more time knitting/crocheting, and I’ve almost finished a gorgeous jumper. It’s a little tight atm (mainly around the tummy area), but by the time the weather gets cold enough for me to wear it I aim to have lost a bit of weight so it will all be fine.

I did a bit better at keeping in regular contact with my grandparents this year, but it’s never enough. I lost my Nan only a week ago, and the amount of contact I had was never enough. I wish I could have gone down to visit more often, but flights are expensive and we haven’t exactly had spare $$ this year. So many regrets, but it’s too late. Everyone give your grandparents a hug, because you’ve only got a finite time to do it.

Overall, a mostly good year. The past month has been hard, but up until that point things were going well. Normal life has still been good during the past month though, which has made it easier to deal with the bad stuff.

Happy New Year to you all (because I probably won’t be doing another post before then), and I’ll see you in 2016!


Job hunting

I’m applying for an AIN position at the nursing home where I’m doing my placement… But this means giving them my resume, which I haven’t even LOOKED at since 2010.

I now have to find the file and update said resume tonight, so I can submit my application tomorrow (seeing as tomorrow is our last day of prac).

This is going to be fun.


What’s been happening?

I’ve been sort of absent for a little while – many apologies!

I’ll try and get you all caught up with what’s been happening here in that time.

Semester 2 started, and we’ve got even more reading than last semester! I’m a bit behind on the readings, but that’s to be somewhat expected. We get 4 weeks break from classes from mid-September to mid-October, and during that time we get 2 study weeks and 2 weeks of prac. Looks like I’m going on prac during the second 2 weeks. I’m planning to catch up on all my readings during that time, because between now and then I’ve got 2 assignments and an exam. Thankfully, the exam is open-book, so I just need to know where to find the info.

My physical health has been really good (except for good ol’ hay fever – the wattle started flowering about a week ago and my sinuses hate me right now). My mental health has been reasonably good too, except for the day I forgot to take my tablets, and the week when I overclocked my ability to deal with change.
I haven’t really been riding to uni much this semester (only ridden twice in the past 5 weeks), mainly due to horribly inclement weather – it’s been very wet for this time of year, and the nice days have pretty much only been the days when I’m NOT at uni.

Home life
Our washing machine appears to be on it’s last legs – Hubby pulled all the outsides off to fix some stuff a couple of weeks ago, and it seemed ok… Until yesterday, when it started making weird clunking noises during the spin cycle again. I REALLY don’t want to have to replace it, but we might not have a choice if the problem is what Hubby suspects.
Other than that, I’ve managed to mostly keep up with the housework, and I’ve been reasonably good at actually sticking to my meal plans. I also got an AWESOME new toy for my birthday – the slowcooker/ricecooker/etc magic machine that I’ve been wanting for ages 🙂 It’s having its slow cooker maiden voyage today – I’m making Chicken Teriyaki, and I’ll put the recipe up once I’m done. I’ve kept my little rice cooker as well, because I figure I will probably need it occasionally when I want to serve rice with something I’m doing in the slow cooker (like today).
Hubby and I have been doing date nights a little more often as well over the past few months, which has been really nice 🙂 Hopefully we’ll be able to keep that up for the rest of the semester.

Now, I’d better get back to studying and working on my assignments.


How not to do uni

Start with a night of limited sleep due to insomnia. Add one early morning for university. FORGET TO TAKE ANTI-ANXIETY MEDS before leaving for uni. Forget things you need for afternoon class and get informed when you arrive at uni. Proceed to have a mini nervous breakdown in first class because the workbook questions are badly written and confusing.

I’m now skipping my middle 2hr class so I can go home and get the stuff for the afternoon class and take my tablets.

Semester 1 Results!

Got all my Semester 1 marks back and I’m pretty happy

7 for Anatomy & Physiology, 6s for the other 3 subjects 🙂

Now just to keep that up this semester.

Wedding + stage show + a horrible horrible head cold/flu thing have combined to mean that I’m spending a lot of time reading/watching movies, and very little time doing anything else (I have been making good progress on my 2015 Reading Challenge list though). I will hopefully get back into the “normal” swing of things after this weekend.

I hope.

At the very least, I hope this cold/flu thing goes away! Ugh the only positive I can think of is that it’s a good thing it waited until the mid-year uni break to hit. Being this sick AND having to do uni work would have been a pain in the ass.

I’ve got a couple of book reviews I want to write, and a few recipes to share with you all, as well as possibly a couple of Tutorial Tuesday posts.

I’m thinking I’ll try to make “Motivational Mondays” a thing for next semester as well, even if it’s just for my own sake.

I’ve missed my 5:2 diet days because of the craziness around here, I’m hoping to get back on track once I’m not sick any more. Sick + diet did not seem like a particularly intelligent idea, so I’ve given myself a break until next week and I’ll see how I’m feeling then. Might be a further week before I’m back on it though, if I’m not feeling better.


Uni update

Got my marks back for my Clinical prac assessment!

I got 78.5%, which is a Distinction/6 🙂

My calculations tell me that this means my overall mark for the subject is a Distinction/6 as well – I’m pretty happy with that!

Now just to wait for my other 3 classes to release their marks.



I did my Clinical Health prac assessment this morning, and I am now done for the semester!

Once again… this is my happy dance. Ignore the fact that it’s Elliot’s “I told you so” dance.

I missed a couple of things, but I think I did pretty well overall! I missed a few things because I ran out of time, I kept garbling my words and having to re-say things. I was more stressed about sticking to the time frame than I was about the content :S

I’ve got a month off from uni, but I’ll be filling the next week with orchestrating for the show instead :S haha so no brain break until next Wednesday at the earliest.



Can’t be assed

In all honesty, I think I’ll just skip my fast days for this week and start again next week. This whole week has been a bit weird, and I need to keep doing a heap of “back up” cooking so we have enough freezer meals to see us through the show and for Hubby to eat while I’m away for 4 days at the start of next month. I’ve already filled up our little deep freezer, so I’m going to have to re-organise our fridge-freezer to fit in the rest of the food. But once it’s done, we could probably get through the better part of a month without having to shop if we needed to.
Positive of this is that I should have a few “Foodie Friday” posts to go up after the exam period.

Note to self – I’ve really got to start writing dates on the labels as well as what the meal is. I had to chuck out a couple of containers because I’m pretty sure I made them before we moved (6mths ago).

Posts will probably be a little sparse for the next 2 weeks until I’m finished with my exams – timetable is as follows:
13th – 1 exam
15th – 2 exams (1 morning, 1 afternoon)
17th – 1 exam
23rd – Clinical prac exam

Now, I should really get back to studying!
