One Lovely Blog Award!


I’ve been nominated by Hayley over at A Stitch To Scratch!

*EDIT* I’ve also been nominated by Space to Babble 🙂

This is a fantastic award, where readers can nominate up & coming bloggers (OMG someone classified me as ‘up & coming’!) and help them get recognition!

I still can’t believe that this little thing (that I started on a whim) is actually becoming popular!

The rules:

  • Thank the person who nominated you for the award.
  • Add the One Lovely Blog logo to your post.
  • Share 7 facts/things about yourself.
  • Nominate 15 bloggers you admire and inform the nominees by commenting on their blog.

So thank you again Hayley! (*EDIT* and Jade!)

And, 7 facts about me:

  1. I am a cat lady. At least, I call myself one – I’ve only got 1 cat… but my kitty is my fur baby, and I don’t know what I’d do without him 🙂 and I collect all things cat (mugs, cushions, plates… etc).
  2. I started knitting during high school, at the recommendation of my counsellor, as a way to reduce my anxiety and head off panic attacks. It works, and I taught myself to crochet in university because it’s a bit safer (and easier) to crochet on a crowded train than it is to knit.
  3. INTJ and proud of it.
  4. My taste in music covers everything – literally, everything. My particular favourite “groove” at the moment is the stuff I grew up with – the Aussie 90s Summer Hits radio station on Pandora has been on almost permanently for the last week or so.
  5. I can solve both a 3×3 and a 4×4 rubiks cube (see here for my adventures in reassembling my 4×4 when it broke).
  6. I love PLANNING to be organised… but often, my best intentions only last as long as my first assessment of the semester. I am doing my best to change this, ready for my new degree next year.
  7. I am going to be doing another bachelors degree before I am able to progress into Medicine, which means I’m going to be about 10 years older than most of my class mates before I get there. I’m still not sure exactly how I feel about this, but it’s what I want to do, so I’m doing it.

My nominations:

  1. Invisible Autistic
  2. Trust Me, I’m a Med Student
  3. Anna in Med School
  4. Random Thoughts of a 20-something
  5. More Than PNES
  6. Determined Pre-Med
  7. How About a Second Opinion
  8. Doctor or Bust
  9. Never Trust a Jellyfish
  10. Food 4 Your Mood
  11. MD after PhD
  12. Surgery at Tiffany’s
  13. Behind the White Coat
  14. thestudentbaker94
  15. Curveballs and Med School

If you’ve already been nominated, or for whatever reason you don’t want to do it, that’s fine – I just wanted to say how much I like your blog 🙂


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